

Handmade art celebrating our beautiful South Australia!


My name is Ruby Donovan and I was born and raised in South Australia to migrant parents. I am a nurse and have a passion for palliative care. This passion is not limited to my career and extends through to celebrating the sea side and bush of Australia through art.


I find comfort and solace spending time in our varied Australian landscapes. This is where I draw my inspiration to create my artworks. I use natural materials such as leaves, bark, small stones, shells and whatever else takes my eye. I have an innate propensity for circular shapes as they evoke feelings of gentleness and calmness that I use in my designs.


I find it therapeutic searching for the materials that I've been using in my artworks since 2018. My focus up until now has solely been in making the artwork. I've have created many pieces of varying sizes and designs all of which have all have been professionally framed. Now I've decided to share what I have created.


I have a strong environmental conscience and feel strongly about keeping them as pristine as possible. I'm hoping to be able to highlight some of our environmental issues through my art.


 Blue Mundoo


Magic Mundoo.

Goolwa Sand & Surf